About us
The Dacre and Area Community Association (DACA) is a volunteer operated , non-profit organization based at the foot hills of the Mt. St. Patrick mountain range, between the villages of Mt. St. Patrick and Dacre Ontario. DACA was incorporated on November 9th 1979. It was also in this year that the organization began looking for a suitable home. Alice Sheedy donated 4 acres of land in memory of her son Alphonse. During the fiscal year 1980-81, the land surveying was completed, and the year 1982-83 saw the goundbreaking for the building of the DACA Hall. Using retrieved logs the frame and walls were built with help from community members. It went up with great excitement for the area. Once finished it would provide many fond memories for children and adults alike
The center was ready to host it's first function in November 1983, the first annual hunters ball.
Since then, DACA has strived to fullfill it's obligation to develop and foster community spirit, promote organized athletic games, drama, art, music, handycrafts, nursery schools, hobbies, recreations, adult education, cival defence, and many other community endeavors.